Ascaris lumbricoides: Capacidad de uni車n a hialuronato

作者:Ponce de Leon; Patricia; Foresto; Patricia; Valverde; Juana
来源:Acta bioquˋ-mica clˋ-nica latinoamericana, 2007.


hyaluronan acid has important functions in inflammatory and tissue reparation processes. its main receptors are cd44, rhamm and icam-i. owing to the varied strategies of the parasites to evade the host∩s immune response, and also considering the multiple functions and physiological importance of hyaluronan acid, the aim was to study if ascaris lumbricoides has hyaluronan binding capacity. extracts of a. lumbricoides were prepared by surgical remotion of the cuticle and refrigerated mechanical rupture. the study was done on 36 parasite extracts. the test of serum soluble cd44 detection by aggregation inhibition was modified. of the 36 extracts studied, 23 presented hyaluronan binding capacity. this fact can possibly be due to the existence of a receptor with hyaluronan acid binding capacity in the parasite, which eventually might compete with the usual receptors of the host. a. lumbricoides might use this mechanism to evade the immune response.

  • 出版日期2007
