
Three species of Diophrys, D. peculiaris nov. spec., D. cf. scutum and D. oligothrix, isolated from the New Nagasaki Fishing Port, Nagasaki, Japan, were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. Diophrys peculiaris nov. spec. can be recognized by having two characteristic clusters of rod-like structures and two groups of dikinetids located on anterior dorsal portion of cell. Morphogenetic data show that this part of the life cycle basically proceeds as in congeners, except for the formation of dikinetids under the rod-like structures. In the opisthe, the origin of dikinetids under the rod-like structures is still unknown, but the old dikinetids under the rod-like structures may be retained by the proter. The Japanese population of Diophrys cf. scutum resembles other populations of D. scutum well except for moniliform macronuclear segments. Our populations of D. oligothrix correspond well with other populations in terms of general morphology and ciliary pattern, in particular the continuous dorsal kineties with loosely arranged cilia.