Novel 4,5-diazafluorene-based Schiff base derivatives as Al3+ ions fluorescence turn-on sensors

作者:Zhang, Shu Jiang*; Li, Hui; Gong, Chen Liang; Wang, Jian Zhi; Wu, Zhong Ying; Wang, Feng*
来源:Synthetic Metals, 2016, 217: 37-42.


A new 4,5-diazafluorene-based fluorescent chemosensor has been synthesized by Schiff base condensation of 9,9-bis(3-methyl-4-aminophenyl)-4,5-diazafluorene with salicylaldehyde. The interaction of Schiff base with different metal ions has been studied over UV-vis absorption spectra and photofluorescent spectra. The results were indicated that Schiff base exhibited turn-on fluorescent behavior with Al3+ ions in ethanol. Such fluorescent responses could be detected by naked eye under UV-lamp. The limit of detection was calculated to be 4.2 ppm by titration method.