Mutual Chern-Simons effective theory of doped antiferromagnets

作者:Kou SP*; Qi XL; Weng ZY
来源:Physical Review B, 2005, 71(23): 235102.


A mutual Chern-Simons Lagrangian is derived as a minimal field theory description of the phase-string model for doped antiferromagnets. Such an effective Lagrangian is shown to retain the full symmetries of parity, time reversal, and global SU(2) spin rotation, in contrast to conventional Chern-Simons theories where first two symmetries are usually broken. Two ordered phases-i.e., antiferromagnetic and superconducting states-are found at low temperatures as characterized by "dual" Meissner effects and dual-flux-quantization conditions due to the mutual Chern-Simons gauge structure. A "dual" confinement in charge and spin degrees of freedom occurs such that no true spin-charge separation is present in these ordered phases, but the spin-charge separation/deconfinement serves as a driving force in the unconventional phase transitions of these ordered states to disordered states.