
In the traditional Chinese system of medicine, the folk remedy "Gusuibu," renowned for its therapeutic effects on bone is sourced from six different ferns. However, no scientific investigation has been carried out so far, to evaluate the comparative values of these sources. In the present report, ethanol and aqueous extracts of these six sources were characterized for their antioxidant, scavenging activities, reducing power, total polyphenols, flavonols, flavonoids, condensed tannins, and proanthocyanidin contents. Results showed wide variation among the six sources. Most samples in aqueous extracts had higher antioxidant potencies and polyphenol contents than the ethanol extracts, indicating that the aqueous preparation of "Gusuibu" is more potent than the ethanol one. EC50 values of reducing capacities, and scavenging activities against DPPH radicals showed significant variation among the six sources, within ethanol or aqueous extracts and between the two solvents. The maximum (1.27) Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) was recorded in aqueous extract of fern Davallia mariesii. The correlation coefficient (R-2) values of TEAC and total polyphenol contents showed a higher correlation (aqueous extract, R-2 = 0.971; ethanol extract, R-2 = 0.981).