
This collection of papers is dedicated to the career and achievements of Dr. Jeremy B.C. Jackson, and is written by a sample of his students, post-docs, and colleagues over his career. Jackson is an influential leader in cross-disciplinary research integrating ecology and paleontology. His contributions are broad in scope, and range in topic from the ecological and evolutionary consequences of the formation of the Central American Isthmus to the long-term impacts of human activities on the oceans. Two areas of particular interest have been the evolutionary ecology of coral reef organisms and the tempo and mode of speciation in the sea. Papers in the collection examine: colonial marine animals (Buss and Rice, Lidgard et al.), marrying genes and fossils (Budd et al., Marko and Hart, Palumbi et al., Jagadeeshan and O%26apos;Dea), the geography, tempo, and mode of evolution (Bromfield and Pandolfi, Norris and Hull, Vermeij, Erwin and Tweedt), and marine ecosystem health (Sandin and Sala).

  • 出版日期2012-3
