
Aim. The introduction of the full paper does two things: (1) it reviews Refs. 1 through 6 and then points out that popularizing RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology to a large scale is difficult, owing to low quality of raw RFID readings, especially redundant readings; (2) it proposes what we believe to be a relatively more effective redundancy data cleaning technology. Sections 1 and 2 explain what we propose. Section 1 is entitled " abstraction of scenarios producing RFID redundant readings"; its core consists of: (1) Fig. 1 shows the abstraction of the scenarios producing RFID redundant readings; (2) it gives six definitions. Section 2 is entitled " algorithms for detecting and eliminating redundant data"; its core consists of: (1) Fig. 2 shows the schematic of merge-redundant cleaning technology; (2) Fig. 3 shows the schematic of cross-redundant cleaning technology, whose algorithm is based on reference tag strategy and RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator). The experimental results, presented in Figs. 4a) through 4f), and their analysis show preliminarily that our proposed technology can clean redundant RFID data effectively and, more importantly, will not destroy the integrity of RFID data.
