New insights into the conserved mechanism of pluripotency maintenance

作者:Zhou Xingliang; Contreras Trujillo Humberto; Ying Qi Long*
来源:Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 2015, 34: 1-9.


Pluripotent stem cells provide a powerful tool for both basic and translational research. The establishment and maintenance of germline-competent pluripotent stem cells in vitro, however, have only succeeded in the mouse and rat. From in vivo studies on pluripotency during embryogenesis and in vitro studies on existing pluripotent stem cells, several mechanisms have been uncovered for maintenance of both the naive and the primed pluripotent states. Current clues strongly indicate that such mechanisms are likely conserved among different species. A better understanding of how these mechanisms work together to control cell fate choice will guide future research in both stem cell biology and regenerative medicine.