
Neotyphodium. species evolved from Epichloe species and are asexual, seedborne endophytes in many cool-season grasses. Here we propose a new species inhabiting Festuca parvigluma native to China. Morphology, host specificity and molecular phylogenetic evidence supported recognition of this new species. Sequences of beta-tubulin gene (tubB) introns and translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene (tefA) introns were present as two copies in all five isolates examined. In phylogenetic analyses copy I was closely related to E. yangzii in the EBY clade and copy 2 with E. typhina in the ETC clade, indicating this new species might have originated as a result of hybridization between members of these two clades. Referring to the distribution area of host plants, Neotyphodium, sinofestucae is proposed for this new species.