
An asynchronous digital superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) with complementary output, which needs no periodic high-frequency readout clock input, has been investigated. The magnetic flux resolution of the asynchronous digital SQUID has been improved using an on-chip magnetic feedback. A wide dynamic range asynchronous digital SQUID magnetometer system with improved magnetic resolution has been devised using alternating readout of two digital SQUIDs placed in parallel. The slew rate and the dynamic range of the asynchronous digital SQUID magnetometer were estimated to be 4 x 10(10) Phi(0)/s and quite large, respectively. We have designed the asynchronous digital SQUID magnetometer system using 2.5 kA/cm(2) Nb process. We have experimentally confirmed the magnetic flux resolution of less than flux quantum (Phi(0)) and the good linearity of the magnetic response of the asynchronous digital SQUID magnetometer system up to 3000 Phi(0).

  • 出版日期2013-6
