
Owing to the dramatic change in the thermal conductivity of He-4 when its temperature crosses the transition of superfluid (HeI) and normalfluid (HeII), a sealed-cell with a capillary is used to realize the lambda transition temperature, T-lambda. A small heat flow is controlled through the capillary of the sealed-cell so as to realize the coexistence of Hel and Hell and maintain the stay of HeI/HeII interface in the capillary. A stable and flat lambda transition temperature "plateau" is obtained. Because there is a depression effect of T-lambda caused by the heat flow through the capillary, a series of heat flows and several temperature plateaus are made and an extrapolation is applied to determine T-lambda with zero heat flow. A rhodium-iron resistance thermometer with series number A34 (RIRT A34) has been used in 24 T-lambda -realization experiments to derive T-lambda with a standard deviation of 0.022mK, which proves the stability and reproducibility of T-lambda.
