
Sequence and structure comparisons with homologous trypsin-like serine proteases have predicted the S1-specificity pocket in picornavirus 3C proteinases. In this study, we examine the putative roles of such residues in poliovirus 3C substrate recognition. Single amino acid substitutions at 3C residues Thr-142, His-161, Gly-163, Gly-164, and Ala-172 were introduced into near full-length poliovirus cDNAs, and protein processing was examined in the context of authentic 3C cis cleavage activity. Our data are consistent with residues Thr-142, His-161, Gly-163, and Gly-164 acting as important determinants of so substrate specificity and support published models of so protein structure. An in vivo analysis of mutant viruses containing individual amino acid substitutions at 3C residues Thr-142 and Ala-172 suggests that such residues are important determinants for viral RNA replication. In addition, bacterially expressed, recombinant 3CD polypeptides containing amino acid substitutions at Thr-142 and Ala-172 show altered RNA binding properties in mobility shift assays that use a synthetic RNA corresponding to the poliovirus 5'-terminal sequences.

  • 出版日期1996-4-1
