
Diabetes is already a major health burden and prevalence is expected to double by 2025. The impact of diabetes and clinical outcomes in the intensive care unit is an evolving area of research. This study seeks to identify whether diabetic status is an independent risk factor for haemofiltration. This is a retrospective cohort study. All unique patients from a seven-year period from 2004 to 2010 at a major intensive care unit in Melbourne, Australia were analysed using multivariate regression to look for an association between diabetic status and haemofiltration. After exclusion criteria there were 7262 patients, 1674 with a history of diabetes (median age of 69, 66.72% male) and 5588 without a history of diabetes (median age 64, 64.13% male). Diabetic status was an independent risk factor (odds ratio 1.401, 95% confidence interval 1.079 to 1.820, P=0.011) for haemofiltration. Further research may identify intensive care unit-based renoprotective measures specifically for patients with diabetes.

  • 出版日期2014-7