
There are indications that exposing adolescent rodents to oxytocin (OT) may have positive "trait-changing" effects resulting in increased sociability and decreased anxiety that last well beyond acute drug exposure and into adulthood. Such findings may have relevance to the utility of OT in producing sustained beneficial effects in human psychiatric conditions. The present study further examined these effects using an intermittent regime of OT exposure in adolescence, and using Long Evans rats, that are generally more sensitive to the acute prosocial effects of OT. As OT has substantial affinity for the vasopressin Via receptor (V1aR) in addition to the oxytocin receptor (OTR), we examined whether a more selective peptidergic OTR agonist - [Thr4, Gly7]-oxytocin (TGOT) - would have similar lasting effects on behavior. Male Long Evans rats received OT or TGOT (0.5-1 mg/kg, intraperitoneal), once every three days, for a total of 10 doses during adolescence (postnatal day (PND) 28-55). Social and anxiety-related behaviors were assessed during acute administration as well as later in adulthood (from PND 70 onwards). OT produced greater acute behavioral effects than TGOT, including an inhibition of social play and reduced rearing, most likely reflecting primary sedative effects. In adulthood, OT but not TGOT pretreated rats displayed lasting increases in social interaction, accompanied by an enduring increase in plasma OT. These findings confirm lasting behavioral and neuroendocrine effects of adolescent OT exposure. However, the absence of such effects with TGOT suggests possible involvement of the V1aR as well as the OTR in this example of developmental neuroplasticity.

  • 出版日期2014-5