Nuclear pasta in hot dense matter and its implications for neutrino scattering

作者:Roggero Alessandro*; Margueron Jerome; Roberts Luke F; Reddy Sanjay
来源:PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 2018, 97(4): 045804.


The abundance of large clusters of nucleons in neutron-rich matter at subnuclear density is found to be greatly reduced by finite-temperature effects when matter is close to beta equilibrium, compared to the case where the electron fraction is fixed at Y-e > 0.1, as often considered in the literature. Large nuclei and exotic nonspherical nuclear configurations called pasta, favored in the vicinity of the transition to uniform matter at T = 0, dissolve at a relatively low temperature Tu as protons leak out of nuclei and pasta. For matter at beta equilibrium with a negligible neutrino chemical potential we find that T-u(beta) similar or equal to 4 +/- 1MeV for realistic equations of state. This is lower than the maximum temperature T-max(beta) similar or equal to 9 +/- 1 MeV at which nuclei can coexist with a gas of nucleons and can be explained by a change in the nature of the transition to uniform matter called retrograde condensation. An important new finding is that coherent neutrino scattering from nuclei and pasta makes a modest contribution to the opacity under the conditions encountered in supernovas and neutron star mergers. This is because large nuclear clusters dissolve at most relevant temperatures, and at lower temperatures, when clusters are present, Coulomb correlations between them suppress coherent neutrino scattering off individual clusters. Implications for neutrino signals from galactic supernovas are briefly discussed.

  • 出版日期2018-4-16