How double volcanic chains sample geochemical anomalies from the lowermost mantle

作者:Farnetani Cinzia G*; Hofmann Albrecht W; Class Cornelia
来源:Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2012, 359: 240-247.


The distinct isotopic compositions of basalts from the two parallel tracks of Hawaiian volcanoes suggest a bilateral zonation of the underlying mantle plume, with an enriched southern side. Such zonation is not unique to Hawaii, but may well be a common feature of other Pacific hotspots. This remarkable isotopic pattern, revealed by double volcanic chains, appears to be related to the so-called DUPAL isotopic anomaly in the Pacific mantle, which correlates with the seismically imaged %26apos;Large Low-Shear-Velocity Province%26apos;. Here we show how a large-scale isotopic gradient, exemplified by the radiogenic isotope ratio Pb-208Pb-206*, VD maps from the deep mantle into the Hawaiian plume conduit, and how it ultimately surfaces as Pb-208Pb-206* variations in double-chain volcanoes. Our numerical simulations reveal a novel %26apos;lobate%26apos; conduit structure which generates an overall bilateral isotopic zonation within the Hawaiian melting zone. Comparison between our model predictions and Pb-208Pb-206* of several Hawaiian volcanoes shows that a deep-seated, north-south, isotopic gradient can explain the enriched southern (Loa) chain as well as the Pb-208Pb-206* decline from shield to post-shield lavas, observed in several of the volcanoes. The results provide a mechanism for directly linking geochemical maps of ocean island basalts to the structure and composition of the lowermost mantle inferred by seismic tomography.

  • 出版日期2012-12-15