A Large Class of p-Ary Cyclic Codes and Sequence Families

作者:Zhou Zhengchun; Tang Xiaohu; Parampalli Udaya
来源:IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences, 2010, E93A(11): 2272-2277.


Let n k em be positive integers such that n >= 3 1 <= k <= n - 1 gcd(n k) = e and m = n/e is odd In this paper for an odd prime p we derive a lower bound for the minimal distance of a large class of p ary cyclic codes C-l with nonzeros alpha(-1) alpha(-(pk+1)) alpha(-(p3k+1)) alpha(-(p(2l-1)k) + 1 where 1 <= l <= m-1/2 and alpha is a pnmitive element of the finite field F-pn Employing these codes p ary sequence families with a flexible tradeoff between low correlation and large size are constructed
