
This article presents a new reliability-aware task mapping approach in a many-core platform at design time for applications with DAG-based task graphs. The main goal is to devise a task mapping which meets a predefined reliability threshold considering a minimized performance degradation. The proposed approach uses a majority-voting replication technique to fulfill error-masking capability. A quantitative reliability model is also proposed for the platform. Our platform is a homogenous many-core architecture with mesh-based interconnection using traditional deterministic XY routing algorithm. Our iterative approach is applicable to an unlimited number of system fault types. All parts of the platform, including cores, links, and routers, are assumed to be prone to failures. We used the MNLP optimization technique to find the optimal mapping of the presented task graph. Experimental results show that our suggested task mappings not only comply with predefined reliability thresholds but also achieve notable time complexity reduction with respect to exhaustive space exploration.

  • 出版日期2018-1