
In analyzing a multiple criteria decision-making problem, the decision maker may express her/his opinions as an interval fuzzy or multiplicative preference relation. Then it is an interesting and important issue to investigate the consistency of the preference relations and obtain the reliable priority weights. In this paper, a new consistent interval fuzzy preference relation is defined, and the corresponding properties are derived. The transformation formulae between interval fuzzy and multiplicative preference relations are further given, which show that two preference relations, consistent interval fuzzy and multiplicative preference relations, can be transformed into each other. Based on the transformation formula, the definition of acceptably consistent interval fuzzy preference relation is given. Furthermore a new algorithm for obtaining the priority weights from consistent or inconsistent interval fuzzy preference relations is presented. Finally, three numerical examples are carried out to compare the results using the proposed method with those using other existing procedures. The numerical results show that the given procedure is feasible, effective and not requisite to solve any mathematical programing.