
Despite the fact that soft tissue sarcomas are representing a rare tumor entity with a low incidence rate of about 2-4 per 100.000 per year, they highly require a multimodality therapeutic approach. Based on a reference pathology a complete surgical resection is the first treatment goal. After accomplished R0 resection the local relapse rate can be further decreased by an adjuvant radiotherapy. For primarily irresectable or only partially respectable tumors a neoadjuvant chemotherapy combined with regional hyperthermia should be considered. Patients with metastasized soft tissue sarcomas should receive an anthracyclin-based chemotherapy in a palliative intention. Prognostically more favorable are gastrointestinal stroma tumor, also in advanced stages with metastases, since the tyrosine kinase inhibitors imatinib and sunitinib can induce durable remissions.

  • 出版日期2010-11