
To our knowledge, reproductive health effects among male leather tannery workers have not been previously investigated. Tannery work involves exposure to chromium, solvents, and Other chemicals, which has been associated with adverse pregnancy and fertility Outcomes in animals or humans in some studies. This study retrospectively investigates the association of male leather tannery work with preterm delivery, spontaneous abortion, time to pregnancy, and infertility by comparing tannery employees to other workers in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Participants were randomly selected front current employee rosters at eight tanneries and two bread-making companies. The results Of this research suggest that tannery work may be associated With reached fertility in males. The study had limited statistical power, and some factors are likely to have biased findings toward the Mill hypothesis; Other limitations and possible sources Of undetermined bias give reason for cautious interpretation. Additional studies should be conducted to further examine fertility among tannery workers.

  • 出版日期2010-3