A vaccine for hypertension based on peptide AngI-R: A pilot study

作者:Hong Fang; Quan Wu Yong; Pandey Rabindra; Yi Shen; Chi Liu; Xia Li Zhan; Yuan Ma; Ming Lou*
来源:International Journal of Cardiology, 2011, 148(1): 76-84.


Aims: We aim to modulate the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) by active immunization against angiotensin I/II, potentially by a novel type of peptide-'AngI-R' for the treatment of hypertension.
Method: 27 spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHRs) were randomly divided into 3 groups (n=9). Effect of AngI-R on systolic blood pressure of SHRs was determined by its subcutaneous injection into SHRs with anti-angiotensin peptide AngI-R, captopril, physiological salt solution in the same schedule. Systolic blood pressure was monitored by tail-cuff arterial blood pressure measurement method and then calculated from the average of three measurements in each animal at a desired time (0, 4, 8, 16W). AngI, AngII and anti-AngI antibody were detected by ELISA and western blotting method. At the end, the pathologic changes in different organs of SHRs were observed.
Result: The results exhibited a marked effect to lower the systolic blood pressure (-15 mm Hg) of SHRs after subcutaneous injection with peptide AngI-R. The anti-hypertensive effect lasted for over 1 month. The level of AngI and AngII in the vaccinated group, after administration of AngI-R was lower than the one in the control group and the pre-administered group. The anti-AngI/II antibody titre in the experiment group significantly increased.
Conclusion: The peptide AngI-R was able to decrease the blood pressure of SHRs. The peptide AngI-R induced an immune response to inhibit AngI and AngII, resulting in the decrease in blood pressure in SHRs.