
Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most common primary tumour of bone, occurring predominantly in the second decade of life. High-dose cytotoxic chemotherapy and surgical resection have improved prognosis, with long-term survival for patients with localized (non-metastatic) disease approaching 70%. At presentation approximately 20% of patients have metastases and almost all patients with recurrent OS have metastatic disease and cure rates for patients with metastatic or recurrent disease remain poor (<20% survival). Over the past 20 years, considerable progress has been made in the understanding of OS pathogenesis, yet these insights have not translated into substantial therapeutic advances and clinical outcomes. Further progress is essential in order to develop molecularly based therapies that target both primary lesions as well as metastatic disease. The increasing sophistication with which gene expression can be modulated in the mouse, both positively and negatively in addition to temporally, has allowed for the recent generation of more faithful OS models than have previously been available. These murine OS models can recapitulate all aspects of the disease process, from initiation and establishment to invasion and dissemination to distant sites. The development and utilisation of murine models that faithfully recapitulate human osteosarcoma, complementing existing approaches using human and canine disease, holds significant promise in furthering our understanding of the genetic basis of the disease and, more critically, in advancing pre-clinical studies aimed at the rational development and trialing of new therapeutic approaches.