Soropreval那ncia da hepatite B e avaliaˋˋo da resposta imunol車gica 角 vacinaˋˋo contra a hepatite B por via intramuscular e intrad谷rmica em profissionais de um laborat車rio de sa迆de p迆blica

作者:Moreira; Regina Celia; Saraceni; Claudia Patara; Oba; Isabel Takano; Spina; Angela Maria M; Pinho; Joo Renato R; Souza; Luiza Terezinha M de; Omoto; Tereza Mitiko; Kitamura; Cecilia; Oselka; Gabriel
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2007.


objectives: to determine the prevalence of hbsag and anti-hbs and to evaluate the response of intradermal hepatitis vaccination in healthcare workers non-responsive to previous repeated intramuscular vaccination. material and method: all of the employees from instituto adolfo lutz were invited to participate on this study. serum samples were obtained and hbsag and anti-hbs were detected using commercial kits (abbottˋ laboratories). employees were submitted to the conventional three-dose vaccination by intramuscular route. to those employees who did not respond to intramuscular vaccination, 5 米g doses of engerixˋ b were then administered by intradermal route up to nine doses. results: four hundred and four healthcare workers were enrolled in this study. initially, two (0.5%) and 42 (10.4%) were hbsag and anti-hbs reagent, respectively. among the 360 negative volunteers, 316 (87.8%) received three vaccine doses and in 259 of them, serum samples were collected to evaluate vaccine efficacy. among them, 242 (93.4%) showed antibodies titer higher than 10 ui/l. intradermal vaccination was carried out in five volunteers and all of them responded to this vaccine administration route. conclusion: the prevalence of hepatitis b was not higher than in general population. intradermal vaccine administration could be a good alternative in people that did not respond to previous intramuscular route.

  • 出版日期2007
