A Solution Space for a System of Null-State Partial Differential Equations: Part 3

作者:Flores Steven M*; Kleban Peter
来源:Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2015, 333(2): 597-667.


This article is the third of four that completely and rigorously characterize a solution space SN for a homogeneous system of 2N + 3 linear partial differential equations (PDEs) in 2N variables that arises in conformal field theory (CFT) and multiple Schramm-Lowner evolution (SLE kappa). The system comprises 2N null-state equations and three conformal Ward identities that govern CFT correlation functions of 2N one-leg boundary operators. In the first two articles (Flores and Kleban, in CommunMath Phys, arXiv:1212.2301, 2012; CommunMath Phys, arXiv:1404.0035, 2014), we use methods of analysis and linear algebra to prove that dim S-N <= C-N, with C-N the Nth Catalan number. Extending these results, we prove in this article that dim S-N = C-N and S-N entirely consists of (real-valued) solutions constructed with the CFT Coulomb gas (contour integral) formalism. In order to prove this claim, we show that a certain set of C-N such solutions is linearly independent. Because the formulas for these solutions are complicated, we prove linear independence indirectly. We use the linear injective map of Lemma 15 in Flores and Kleban (Commun Math Phys, arXiv:1212.2301, 2012) to send each solution of the mentioned set to a vector in R-CN, whose components we find as inner products of elements in a Temperley-Lieb algebra. We gather these vectors together as columns of a symmetric C-N x C-N matrix, with the form of a meander matrix. If the determinant of this matrix does not vanish, then the set of C-N Coulomb gas solutions is linearly independent. And if this determinant does vanish, then we construct an alternative set of C-N Coulomb gas solutions and follow a similar procedure to show that this set is linearly independent. The latter situation is closely related to CFT minimalmodels. We emphasize that, although the system of PDEs arises in CFT in away that is typically non-rigorous, our treatment of this system here and in Flores and Kleban (Commun Math Phys, arXiv:1212.2301, 2012; Commun Math Phys, arXiv:1404.0035, 2014; Commun Math Phys, arXiv:1405.2747, 2014) is completely rigorous.

  • 出版日期2015-1