
Since the end of the 14th century, many Catalan towns were asked to issue memorials of rents that, in the one hand, would facilitate the administration of the huge debt they had got into previously and, on the other hand, would clarify the juridical situation of each rent to avoid misunderstandings with its owner. This article aims at analyzing two memorials of rents written up between 1410 and 1421 by the local authorities of Castell車 d*Emp迆ries, the main city of one of the most important lordships of Catalonia. With the help of these volumes, we are trying to solve some of the questions about the urban finances in medieval Catalonia: what the level of indebtedness that the noble places attained; what financial policies the urban rulers put forward to reduce the volume of the annual interests; and, finally, what the geographical origin and the social profile of the municipal creditors was. [ca] Des del final del s. XIV, molts consistoris catalans van haver de confeccionar memorials o ※capbreus§ de rendes que facilitessin l*administraci車 de l*enorme deute contret anteriorment i clarifiquessin la situaci車 jur赤dica de cada renda per evitar malentesos amb el seu propietari. El present article analitza dos capbreus de censals redactats entre 1410 i 1421 pels dirigents de Castell車 d*Emp迆ries, la capital d*una de les senyories m谷s importants de Catalunya. A la llum d%26apos;aquests volums, es responen alguns dels interrogants que encara existeixen sobre les finances urbanes a la Catalunya baixmedieval: con豕ixer el nivell d*endeutament que assoliren els llocs de senyoriu; estudiar les pol赤tiques financeres que endegaren els governs municipals per intentar disminuir el volum dels interessos anuals; i, finalment, copsar la proced豕ncia geogr角fica i el perfil social dels creditors municipals.

  • 出版日期2010
