
Condition number of the block incremental unknowns (BIU) matrix associated to anisotropic operator epsilon partial derivative(2)/partial derivative x(2) + partial derivative(2)/partial derivative y(2) with 0 < epsilon << 1 is analyzed; more general second-order anisotropic elliptic operators are also considered. Theoretical analyses show that the condition number of the BIU matrix is bounded by c . (h(-1) + epsilon h(-2)) instead of O(h(-2)) with usual nodal unknowns where h is the mesh size. In addition, we introduce a diagonal preconditioner such that the condition number of the BIU matrix is further reduced to O(1 + 4 epsilon pi(-2)h(-2)), which means that the condition number is optimal if epsilon = O(h(2)). Numerical experiments are performed to different examples and parameters, numerical results verify our theoretical analysis.