
Itch is as an unpleasant sensation that is considered as unique, although many similarities to pain exist. Itch is a cardinal symptom in skin diseases like atopic dermatitis or urticaria, but itch is also frequently observed in the general population. Often itch is associated with a decrease in quality of life. Additionally associations between itch and psychological variables like psychological stress, the emotional state and personality factors are shown. In experimental studies itch can be induced not only by the use of pruritogens (e.g. histamine), but also by the presentation of audiovisual stimuli. Because of these factors a biopsychosocial model is postulated regarding the occurrence of itch. In addition to medical treatments, psychological interventions like habit-reversal training or relaxation techniques are used to successfully treat itch. These interventions have positive effects, not only on the psychological well-being, but also on the skin status of patients.