
Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis (AECB) are a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, accounting for more than 16 million physician office visits and over 500,000 hospitalizations in the USA each year. Antimicrobials have been recognized by clinical guidelines as an important component in the management of AECB with a bacterial etiology. The challenge of identifying patients most likely to benefit from antimicrobial therapy is difficult in the clinical setting. However, appropriate risk stratification of patients, and the use of antimicrobials within the correct spectrum and for a suitable duration, can improve clinical outcomes while minimizing induction of antimicrobial resistance. With an improved design in pharmacologic and clinical studies, differences can be appreciated among the various antimicrobial agents available to treat AECB. Factors to be considered in antimicrobial agent selection include local tissue penetration, effects on bacteriological eradication, duration of therapy, speed of resolution and prevention or delay of recurrences.

  • 出版日期2010-4