
Background: Levels of exclusive breastfeeding are negligible in the United Kingdom despite World Health Organization recommendations to practice exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months postpartum. Although numerous studies have explored the reasons behind low levels of breastfeeding, few have examined the behaviors of women who do breastfeed successfully. However, understanding the influences upon the decision to breastfeed exclusively is important in supporting women to continue breastfeeding.
Methods: In the current study, 33 women with an infant 6-12 months old who exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months postpartum took part in an interview to explore their motivation and experiences while breastfeeding. The interview explored issues such as sources of support, difficulties, and familial and peer behavior.
Results: Mothers reported high levels of confidence and determination in their decision despite difficulties in reaching their goal and discussed a range of techniques they adopted to overcome issues faced.
Conclusions: Ingrained and strong beliefs that their choice of feeding method was the normal and healthiest way to feed an infant enabled mothers to overcome problems and continue breastfeeding.

  • 出版日期2011-8