
With the extensive use of the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) as a tool for assembling biological nano scale structures and the inability of real-time monitoring, the use of computer simulation to predict the process of nanoparticles displacement has become the focus of attention. In this paper, by investigating the forces applied on a nanoparticle, a model has been presented that includes the sliding, rolling and spinning motion modes. Considering the possible encounter with a rough substrate and the increase in the manipulation forces due to this roughness has been explored and based on these models a cost function has been defined. Finally, an algorithm for predicting the movement of a nanoparticle on a specific path, and in the presence of surface roughness, has been presented. By using the presented model and algorithm, the optimal manipulation path could be introduced with regards to path smoothness and force and time applied during pushing process.

  • 出版日期2017-8