
In this study, a fractional order iterative learning controller (FOILC) is designed for a non-linear fractional order bioreactor system. Bioreactors are widely used in horticulture, medical plants, tissue engineering, waste water recycling, biomass production and many other applications. Since fed-batch systems are repetitive processes and some specific types have fractional dynamics, FOILC algorithm is workable for them. This research shows, via simulations, the benefits of using FOILC along with a robust fractional order PID (FOPID) to attain both robustness and precision tracking for the bio-reactor system. This leads to better product quality and more flexibility, since the system can learn the new dynamics after a few iterations, in case of plant changes, besides getting better disturbance rejection against repetitive and non-repetitive disturbances.

  • 出版日期2016-8-8