Memory-optimal evaluation of expression trees involving large objects

作者:Lam Chi Chung; Rauber Thomas; Baumgartner Gerald*; Cociorva Daniel; Sadayappan P
来源:Computer Languages, Systems and Structures, 2011, 37(2): 63-75.


The need to evaluate expression trees involving large objects arises in scientific computing applications such as electronic structure calculations. Often, the tree node objects are so large that only a subset of them can fit into memory at a time. This paper addresses the problem of finding an evaluation order of the nodes in a given expression tree that uses the least amount of memory. We present an algorithm that finds an optimal evaluation order in Theta(n log(2) n) time for an n-node expression tree and prove its correctness. We demonstrate the utility of our algorithm using representative equations from quantum chemistry.

  • 出版日期2011-7