
We studied abundance, size and polymer type of microplastic down to 10 mu m along a transect from the European Coast to the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre (NASG) using an underway intake filtration technique and Raman micro-spectrometry. Concentrations ranged from 13 to 501 items m(-3). Highest concentrations were observed at the European coast, decreasing towards mid-Atlantic waters but elevated in the western NASG. We observed highest numbers among particles in the 10-20 mu m size fraction, whereas the total volume was highest in the 50-80 mu m range. Based on a numerical model size-dependent depth profiles of polyethylene microspheres in a range from 10-1000 mu m were calculated and show a strong dispersal throughout the surface mixed layer for sizes smaller than 200 mu m. From model and field study results we conclude th

  • 出版日期2015-11-15