
The Internet is being widely used for commercial and non-commercial purposes. Today most network users use it as a crucial working and entertaining tool for their businesses, communications, entertainment, research, and even education. However, it is not a simple hierarchical structure. It is complicatedly made up of many wide and local area networks joined by various network devices and switching stations. Its rapid growth appears to be bringing it to a point of crisis. In this paper, we discuss the current status of Internet services and expected future Internet services. We also present some research issues, requirements, and a platform for future Internet services, which will be able to satisfy all the requirements for massively data-intensive applications, such as high energy physics, meteorology, bioinformatics, and so on. To assure quality of service for future Internet services for general users and scientists/researchers, many research issues, such as multicast, bandwidth on demand, Grid resource management/provisioning, and network resource management/provisioning with advanced reservation, a proper network traffic modeling and monitoring, security issues, global scheduler as a mediator between various applications and resources of computing and networks, and so on, have to be solved.

  • 出版日期2009-11
