An Intrusive Method for the Uncertainty Propagation

作者:Dossantos Uzarralde P*; Nimal V; Dejonghe G; Sancandi M; Andre R; Hilaire S
来源:Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 2011, 59(2): 1260-1263.


Models of physical processes like particle scattering often require adjusted parameters to fit experimental data. These parameters are basically uncertain and this feature spreads through the model down to the solution. In this study, an intrusive method of uncertainty propagation, based on Galerkin projection over chaos polynomials, is proposed for optical model calculations. This provides a way to evaluate the uncertainty of the solution induced by the uncertain parameters of the Wood-Saxon potential used form. We employ generalized polynomial chaos expansions (PCE) to express the random response of the optical model and obtain a set of deterministic coupled equations for the expansion coefficients by Galerkin projection. We justify the use of the Cowell method to solve this system in a decoupled fashion. Several moments of the solution are re-built. We provide an illustration of these method for the n+Y-89 system.

  • 出版日期2011-8
  • 单位中国地震局
