
P-related paramagnetic point defects were studied in irradiated Yb-doped phosphate glasses by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (X and Q-bands). A strong impact of the glass network type on the defect nature is shown. In all glasses, r-POHC defects formation is in strong correlation with Q(2) tetrahedra amount supporting the structure of r-POHC. Ultra-phosphate glasses contain the larger defect type: Peroxy radicals, P-1, P-2, and P-4 defects whose formation is linked to Q(3) tetrahedra presence. In meta-phosphate and poly-phosphate glasses, peroxy radicals appear with r-POHC thermal recovery. In meta-phosphate glasses, a combination of P-1 and P-3 defects was evidenced for the first time, whereas in poly-phosphate glasses, only P-3 defects were identified. Dose effect as well as defect recovery were analyzed.

  • 出版日期2014-9-28
  • 单位中国地震局