Normative values of polysomnographic parameters in childhood and adolescence: Quantitative sleep parameters

作者:Scholle Sabine*; Beyer Uta; Bernhard Michael; Eichholz Stephan; Erler Thomas; Graness Petra; Goldmann Schnalke Barbara; Heisch Katharina; Kirchhoff Frank; Klementz Karsten; Koch Gerhard; Kramer Annmarie; Schmidtlein Christoph; Schneider Barbara; Walther Birgit; Wiater Alfred; Scholle Hans Christoph
来源:Sleep Medicine, 2011, 12(6): 542-549.


Objective: To provide normative values for sleep macroarchitecture of healthy children aged 1-18 years using the AASM sleep scoring criteria, assessing the effects of gender, age, and Tanner pubertal stage. Methods: One-night polysomnography was performed at subjects' habitual bedtimes in 16 laboratories on 209 healthy German children. Results: Normal values of sleep macrostructure show significant age dependencies (p < 0.05). Increasing with age: awakening index, R latency (RL), sleep efficiency (SE) (total sleep time (TST)/sleep period time (SPT)) and SE (TST/time in bed), stage N2, mean sleep cycle duration, number of stage shifts. Decreasing with age: TST, SPT, wake after sleep onset, stage N3, stage R, movement time (MT), number of sleep cycles. The following sleep parameters show a dependency on Tanner stages as well as corresponding age (p < 0.05):TST, SPT, awakening index, R latency, stage N2, stage N3, MT, number of sleep cycles, mean sleep cycle duration. No gender dependencies were found. Conclusion: The given study, considering AASM rules, shows the development of sleep in normal children ages 1-18. Subject selection criteria and other factors influencing sleep as well AASM guideline modifications including scoring arousals in N2 and scoring MT as a measure of sleep fragmentation are discussed.

  • 出版日期2011-6