
Layered HLnTiO(4) (Ln=La, Nd) compounds belonging to Ruddlesden-Popper phases were found to form partially hydrated compounds Ln(2)Ti(2)O(7)center dot xH(2)O during thermal dehydration as well as defect oxides Ln(2)Ti(2)O(7) as final products. Further heating of metastable defect Ln(2)square Ti2O7 substances leads to the formation of pyrochlore-type oxides Ln(2)Ti(2)O(7) (p), with subsequent transformation under higher temperatures to stable layered 110-type perovskites Ln(2)Ti(2)O(7). The occurring structure transformations lead to an increase of photocatalytic activity in the order of HLnTiO(4)<Ln(2)Ti(2)O(7)center dot yH(2)O <Ln(2)square Ti2O7 < Ln(2)Ti(2)O(7) (p) < Ln(2)Ti(2)O(7) in the reaction of hydrogen evolution from aqueous isopropanol solution.

  • 出版日期2015-3
