
An abnormality in the wing vibration pattern in males of the E(Nc) homeotic mutant of Bombyx mori was investigated. The wild-type (+/+) males show a switching of the rhythmic wing vibrations from a sequential pattern to an intermittent pattern during mating, whereas the E(Nc) mutants show a sequential pattern both before and during mating. Wing motions in +/+ males became small during mating, but those in +/E(Nc) males did not. Ablation of the head ganglia of +/+ and +/E(Nc) males during mating caused no change in the motor patterns of wing vibrations. Ablation or cooling of the posterior abdomen in the +/+ males during mating caused sequential wing vibrations, suggesting that the change in wing vibrations is induced by signals from the posterior abdomen. The pterothoracic ganglion in the +/E(Nc) males is separated into two ganglia, in contrast to the complete ganglionic fusion in the +/+ males. The neurons in the pterothoracic ganglion stained from abdominal nerve cords are homologus in +/+ and +/E(Nc) males, but many of these in +/E(Nc) males are elongated along the anteroposterior axis. These results suggest that the wing vibration pattern is restricted by genetic factors through reconstruction of the thoracic nervous system during metamorphosis.