Evaluaci車n de las Variaciones del 芍ngulo de Torsi車n del F谷mur en F谷mures Aislados de Individuos Brasileˋos

作者:Gusmo; Luiz Carlos Buarque de; Brito Lima; Jacqueline Silva; Souza Rodrigues; Celio Fernando de; Santos; Eduardo Jose Lopes dos
来源:International Journal of Morphology, 2011.


in axial section of the f那mur, typically the axis direction of the femoral neck is located in different plane of the axis of the condoyle. the angle that the axis of the neck makes, when compared to the condoyle, is known as angle of femoral torsion. the authors carried out measurements of torsion angles or anteversion femurs in 56 human adults of both sexes, bein 26 right and 30 left. the literature shows several values ranging from 8-25 degrees. the values obtained in measurements seek to determine the value of the torsion angle in this material and compare with literature data. also we determine values that, in tum, determine, from which, if the leg will feature lateral rotation, medial rotation or pathological. the values obtained in measurements of the angles between zero and thirty-five degrees. on the obtained in measurements of the angles zero and thirty-five degrees. on the right side, the average torsion angle was 20.8 and the left side of 14.86, indication a greater tendency to have the right anteversion.

  • 出版日期2011
