
Recently, a renormalizable model of gravity has been proposed by HoA (TM) ava, which might be an ultraviolet completion of general relativity and it reduces to Einstein gravity with a non-vanishing cosmological constant in infrared approximation. Kehagias and Sfetsos have added a relevant operator proportional to the 3D geometry Ricci scalar to the original HoA (TM) ava-Lifshitz theory action, which "softly" deviated from detailed-balance. This does not modify the ultraviolet properties of the theory. However, it modifies the infrared approximation and the Minkowski vacuum can be allowed in the infrared HoA (TM) ava-Lifshitz gravity theory. The static spherical symmetric black hole solutions have been obtained in the HoA (TM) ava-Lifshitz and infrared HoA (TM) ava-Lifshitz gravity theory. Based on the metric of the black holes, Hawking radiation of massless scalar particles is investigated using Damour-Ruffini method. Then the black hole thermodynamics property will also be discussed.
