
Electric propulsion systems with hybrid energy storage (HES) are of interest for future ship electrification. In order to evaluate the feasibility of HES for marine applications, we study the integration of HES devices, including batteries, ultra-capacitors, and a flywheel with an electric drive system, and investigate the capability of the resulting integrated HES system in mitigating the effects of load fluctuations on the DC bus, thus improving system efficiency as well as reliability. To maximize the benefits of incorporating HES into the electric propulsion system, advanced control algorithms are needed to coordinate the power flow among the various storage elements. In order to experimentally validate advanced power and energy management strategies for electric drive systems with HES, the Michigan Power and Energy Lab (MPEL) has constructed the Advanced Electric Drive with Hybrid Energy Storage (AED-HES) test-bed, which includes a system-level controller that can simultaneously control all of the power electronic converters interfacing with the HES elements. This paper presents experimental results for the AED-HES test-bed using baseline control strategies which seek to eliminate the effects of power fluctuations on the DC bus, thereby demonstrating the capabilities of the MPEL AED-HES test-bed in control implementation and system integration for electric drive systems with HES.

  • 出版日期2018-3-1