Bolus vs. continuous feeding: effects on splanchnic and cerebral tissue oxygenation in healthy preterm infants

作者:Corvaglia Luigi; Martini Silvia; Battistini Barbara; Rucci Paola; Aceti Arianna*; Faldella Giacomo
来源:Pediatric Research, 2014, 76(1): 81-85.


BACKGROUND: Intermittent and continuous tube feeding modes are commonly used to feed preterm infants. However, there is no clear evidence regarding which method is better tolerated. We investigated the differences between bolus and continuous feeding in terms of cerebral and splanchnic oxygenation in healthy preterm infants. METHODS: Thirty preterm infants underwent a simultaneous 6-h near-infrared-spectroscopy monitoring of cerebral and splanchnic oxygenation, during which they were fed twice through an orogastric tube: one meal was given as a 10-min bolus, and the other was given continuously over a period of 3 h. Oxygenation trends over time were evaluated and compared between bolus and continuous feeding modes. RESULTS: Cerebral oxygenation did not change over time and did not differ between the two feeding techniques. Splanchnic oxygenation changed significantly over time and differed between the two feeding techniques, with a significant increase after bolus feeding and a remarkable reduction during continuous feeding. CONCLUSION: Bolus and continuous feeding modes influence splanchnic oxygenation in healthy preterm infants differently. Further studies are needed to investigate possible underlying mechanisms and potential effects on feeding tolerance.

  • 出版日期2014-7