
Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) is a highly cytolytic picornavirus that persists in the mouse central nervous system (CNS) largely in macrophages with infection maintained by macrophage-to-macrophage spread. Infected macrophages in the CNS undergo apoptosis. We recently showed that M1-D macrophages infected with the low-neurovirulence TMEV BeAn virus became apoptotic through the mitochondrial pathway that is Bax mediated. Our present analyses of the molecular events and signaling pathway(s) culminating in the mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization that initiates the caspase cascade and apoptosis of BeAn virus-infected M1-D macrophages revealed activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase by 2 to 3 h postinfection (p.i.), followed by phosphorylation of tumor suppressor protein p53 Ser 15 at 3 to 6 h p.i., stabilizing p53 levels until 6 h p.i. Activated p53 upregulated the transcription of proapoptotic puma and noxa genes at 2 to 4 h p.i. and their BH3-only protein expression, followed by the loss of detectable prosurvival Mcl-1 and A1 proteins at 4 to 10 h p.i. Degradation of the prosurvival proteins is known to release Bax, which forms homo-oligomers and translocates into and permeabilizes the mitochondrial outer membrane. Inhibition of phospho-p38 by two specific inhibitors, SB203580 and BIRB796, led to a significant decrease in apoptosis at 10 h p.i., with no effect on virus titers (only SB203580 tested). Together, these data indicate that p53 activation is required for the induction of apoptosis in infected M1-D cells.

  • 出版日期2009-10-15