
Birds time their activities in synchronization with daily and seasonal periodicities in the environment, which is mainly provided by changes in day length (=photoperiod). Photoperiod appears to act at different levels than simply entraining the hypothalamic clock via eyes in birds. Photoreceptor cells that transmit light information to an avian brain are localized in three independent structures, the retina of eyes, pineal gland and hypothalamus, particularly in the paraventricular organ and lateral septa] area. These hypothalamic photoreceptors are commonly referred to as encephalic or deep brain photoreceptors, DBPs. Eyes and pineal are known to contribute to the circadian regulation of behavior and physiology via rhythmic melatonin secretion in several birds. DBPs have been implicated in the regulation of seasonal physiology, particularly in photoperiod induced gonadal growth and development. Here, we briefly review limited evidence that is available on the roles of these photoreceptors in the regulation of circadian and seasonal physiology, with particular emphasis placed on the DBPs.

  • 出版日期2015-9-1