
It is important to make the strategy to prevent the potential possibility of the terrorism attack on the civilian areas in which the prevention planning of radiological hazard materials is done by the flying robot, drone. In the study, the position mapping using the global positioning system (GPS) is imported where the radiation detection and camera vision give the operator the information of the radioactive material in the civilian facilities such as the buildings and airplanes. The combined information with detector and camera can make the strategy to manage the radioactive material that could be used in the terrorism or harmful usages. Furthermore, this information can be transferred to any department of the government in the speed of the nearly real-time. So, the highly optimized decision could be reached by the discussions of the central government group. In the simulations, the output values for radiological exposures are normalized as maximum of 1.0 where the maximum values in 1897th second.

  • 出版日期2018-8