
A simple batch method by use of refilling and nonrefilling experimental procedures and headspace solid phase microextraction was applied to simultaneously obtain the glass water distribution coefficients (K(GW)) and polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS) water partition coefficients (K(PW)) of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs). The simple batch method takes into consideration the glass-surface bound HOCs and the corresponding equilibrium distribution of HOCs among the glass, water, headspace, and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The K(PW) and K(GW) values of 53 PCB congeners were determined. The glass bound fraction predominated over other fractions for highly chlorinated PCBs. Ignoring glass adsorption and assuming a complete mass balance could thus substantially underestimate the K(PW) for HOCs in traditional work. Good linear correlations of log alpha (the overall mass transfer rate constant) vs logK(PW), logK(PW) vs logK(OW), and logK(GW) vs logK(OW) were observed, with log alpha = -0.91 logK(PW) + 1.13, R(2) = 0.93; logK(PW) = 1.032 logK(OW) - 0.493, R(2) = 0.947; and logK(CW) = 0.93 logK(OW) - 2.30, R(2) = 0.90. The K(PW) values from this study were compared with those in the literature. With an account of the glass adsorption, the accuracy of the K(PW) determination and the estimation of the dissolved concentration in water for highly hydrophobic compounds can be significantly improved.

  • 出版日期2011-9-15