
The icing on transmission line conductor usually causes accidents such as conductor galloping, conductor breaking, line tripping, and even network paralyzing, which could bring serious threats to the safe operation of the power system. The conductor icing shape not only has a great influence on the estimate to melting ice time or melting ice current, but also directly affects the mechanical calculation of conductor galloping. Therefore, it is paramount to determine the conductor icing shape. Many available artificial measurements are inaccurate and even ineffective enough in some cases. This paper proposes a novel online technology for measuring icing shape on transmission line conductor based on vision and force sensors. The proposed technique consists of three parts, namely, the online device based on vision and force sensors, the communication network, and the monitoring center. The images of the iced conductor are captured from two cameras, and the processing algorithms are used to extract the average diameters of the iced conductor. The equivalent cross-sectional area is also obtained by the force sensors and a built-in mechanics model. The icing shape description algorithm is proposed to accurately represent the icing shape. We thoroughly analyze the performance of the technology by a series of experiments under artificial icing simulations and natural conditions. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can measure the icing shapes with the overlap ratio of greater than 0.85. In addition, the proposed measuring technology shows satisfactory results on the field tests carried out on operating transmission lines.