mu SR study of magnetic ground state in Mo3Sb7

作者:Okabe H; Akimitsu J*; Takeshita S; Miyazaki M; Hiraishi M; Kadono R
来源:Physica B: Condensed Matter , 2009, 404(5-7): 743-745.


mu SR study on the anomalous magnetic behavior of an intermetallic superconductor Mo3Sb7 is reported. Muon depolarization rate due to dynamically fluctuating electronic spins is reduced with decreasing temperature, which is in line with the development of a spin-liquid state. Meanwhile, the detailed analysis of structural deformation below 50 K suggests that the presumed spin-gap is not fully opened, and that the magnetic state just above T-c might be understood as an itinerant paramagnetic state with localized spin-singlets.

  • 出版日期2009-4-15